Dear Harmony,
I've been released from the hospital. It's been a week. I was disappointed that you didn't come to see me. Some foolish child hoping his friend would come comfort him.
That's all I am, Harmony. A foolish child driven mad by your absence. If it was meant to happen this way I will accept it, but I need more signs first.
The first thing I did when I got back was head straight to your room. Surprisingly, no one tried to stop me. But your dad has been keeping a close eye, keeping me away from bottles and bridges. Not that I'd do that again. It was an impulsive mistake made purely from confusion and rage.
You have so many things in your room, it's like you're still there. If I close my eyes I can feel you all around me. Are you hiding inside your cluttered closet? Beneath your bed, perhaps? Tell me where you went. I want to follow you.
Tell me.
I'll meet you there.