Chapter 7: Consummation

Foul odors begin to seep through every crack and crevice of the cabinet. Theo trembles, wishing he could deny the existence of the horrific creatures. Alas, he cannot. Not anymore. Not after this.

Monsters are real.

The shrieking grows shriller, and something in the darkness starts to glow, making him realize he isn't alone in the cabinet. The shrieks do not belong to the Oculos outside, but to the nest of razor-jawed infants slicing into him.

He'd fallen into Their nest.

Screaming, scrambling to his feet in panic, he flings his body at the door only to discover there is no handle on this side. 

He is locked in.

Locked inside a cabinet locked inside a laundromat.

With a pack of carnivorous Cavae Oculos.

The babies are humming. All shrieking ceases.

Theo grows calm.

He grows numb.

And he knows nothing as the Cavae Oculos shift through the door, descending to feast upon his body. He is bathed in a kaleidoscope of iridescence.


Chapter 8: Codicil


Chapter 6: Crescendo