How It Ends
I told you to stay
You said you must go
I asked you why,
You said you must go
I asked you not to say goodbye—
You said goodbye.
I asked you to leave open ends
You severed them. Then bound them.
A phantom now, a figment
A memory of times once spent
Close yet separate
Struggling to understand.
Slipped between my hands like
I cannot catch you now
Left nothing for me to pick up
Left no leads
To follow.
It was good, it was good
No grudges held.
You didn't have to walk away
You didn't have to leave
Of all the days you could have chosen
You chose today
You chose to sneak away
Whilst I was preoccupied
With ceremonial death.
Never will I forget you
Never will I forget what we had
But you didn't have to throw it away
Or did you?
I do not understand.
Promise me, oh promise me
One day our paths
Will cross again.